Policy Advocacy

Research plays a critical role in raising
awareness, informing interventions, and driving
policy changes to address sexual and genderbased violence.
Conducting research helps to quantify the extent
of SGBV, the frequency, and the impact on

Project:Brunch for Maternal Health Rights​

Brunch for Maternal Health Rights​ The importance of advocating for improved laws and policies in the country cannot be overemphasized. “Brunch for Maternal Health Rights” is an initiative of ASVIOL Support and the Nafisa Atiku Brand, supported by the French Mission in Nigeria. This initiative was created to address the need for improved policies on maternal health rights and maternal leave in Nigeria. It involved a panel discussion where both panellists and the audience highlighted the various challenges faced by women during and afterpregnancy. It also focused on identifying progressive ways to help women maintain their careers while navigating the demands of motherhood.

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Project: Let’s Talk SGBV

Let’s Talk SGBV Let’s Talk SGBV is a podcast dedicated to discussing and educating people on SGBV. It delves into sexual assault survivors stories, provides valuable insights into the various forms of SGBV, and sheds light on these important topics to spread awareness and break the culture of shame and silence often associated with SGBV. Each episode features interviews with experts, survivors, and advocates, as well as discussions on current research, legislation, and prevention strategies. The podcast episodes are released once a month on our YouTube channel, and additional spaces on X are held to further amplify the conversation.

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Project: Advocacy for the VAPP Act

Advocacy for the VAPP Act Our organization’s key Ostrategy in addressing gender-based violence is through policy advocacy. We have been actively working towards the domestication of the Violence Against Person Prohibition Act (VAPP). To support this goal, we pushed for the domestication of the VAPP Act under the campaign tagged #NorthNormal. This campaign was carried out in Borno State Nigeria and other northern states, saw an active engagement of policymakers and community leaders in theimplementation of the act.

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